areas of focus

If unresolved trauma can store itself in your muscles, fascia, organs, cells and the rest of your physical body, so can joy, gratitude, abundance, love and peace. Your body is also a safe space

Ryan Rose

Emily delights in working together, honouring your strength, trust, curiosity and humour in a compassionate therapeutic relationship.  Drawing on her lifelong training and passion for our unique differences, Emily supports adults (min. 25 years of age+) to embody the deeper lives they long to live. Supervision or career mentoring for all health professionals can be arranged on a casual or long-term basis.

People come to see Emily when seeking understanding and support for:

  • chronic conditions such as CFS, POTS, diabetes, IBS, HIV, hypermobility, autoimmune diseases, long COVID

  • women’s sexual, reproductive and relational health - PMDD, PCOS, sex, body and relationship inclusivity and diversity

  • trauma, anxiety and fear, health phobias and panic

  • chronic pain support including CRPS, cluster headaches/migraine, TMJ, fibromyalgia, post-surgical programs

  • burn out, disenchantment with the health system, frustration with traditional “talk” therapy in general

  • depression and disconnection

  • existential crisis

  • support and integration with “non-ordinary” states of consciousness, including near death experiences (NDE)

  • grief and loss

  • “mid-life” and quarter-life crisis, life transition and adjustment issues

  • life-threatening illness such as cancer and other progressive diseases

  • highly-sensitive persons (HSP)/sensory processing sensitivity (SPS)

  • feeling consistently “stuck”, “heavy” or “just surviving”

  • other specialised adjustment conditions such as IVF and organ transplantation.

Please note: Emily does not provide legal or psychometric reports, Work Cover, VoCAT or TAC claimed services.